Thursday, 1 March 2012

How Fresh is Your Pets Breath?!?

This past February was dental month!

At Oakpark Pet Hospital we understand just how important fresh breath and a healthy smile is, so we have customized our dental program to fit our clients' and pets' specific needs.
Since February was successful and the response from our pet owners was so positive we have decided to extend the promotion throughout the month of March!

Unfortunately,  pet dental care is often overlooked by pet owners. It is estimated that 90% of pets over 2 years of age have significant mouth disease and of that 90%,  an astounding 50% require immediate attention. Dental disease can eventually cause internal health concerns; bacteria left too long can spread through the blood stream causing damage to vital organs.

Throughout the past month, we have preformed over 30 dental cleanings on our patients.
 Before and After shots were taken and a comprehensive dental report card with a sample of a dental diet provided.
After the cleaning, our staff is happy to show you tips and tricks to make brushing your pets teeth at home a lot easier and recommend any appropriate dental hygiene products.

 A dental scaling and polishing is a great way to start fresh! Removing stubborn tartar and plaque gives pets relief of foul smelling breath and leaves them with a gleaming white smile. 

To schedule a dental assessment with one of our veterinarians, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email: or
phone us @ 905-257-PETS.